Latest News (8th September 2016)

Thanks to the generous and sacrificial giving of Church members across the Parish we have met and exceeded our target. New Row has been refurbished as planned, and Jony & Jenny are living there right now. We have begun the process of recruiting new Ministry Trainees for September 2017

If you made a pledge, please remember to give the money at the right time – via your church treasurer, with a note saying “for Resourcing Mission Appeal” – in the meantime, thank you!

Here’s the original information:

Please help us to support our Parish Assistant and our upcoming Curate and the ministry they will have amongst us (including our young people) by giving generously to support this Resourcing Mission Appeal.

Morden Resourcing Mission Appeal 2016 from David Heath-Whyte on Vimeo.

We need £9,000 to support Jony Bertin
for two years (£4,500 each year).


We need around £40,000 to convert New Row into a 2-bedroom bungalow for use from June 2016.

We invite you to consider prayerfully how you can give, and to make a pledge now, to be given later, so that we can see if it is possible to go ahead with the New Row project.

Pledge now: Click Here for the Online Pledge Form

Pledge deadline: Sunday 17th January


Resourcing Mission Flyer

Printable Reponse form



